Social Selling Secrets | Lindsey Boggs

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Mental health is more important in these times of Covid because we are isolated and without our schedules and routines that make us happy. Lindsey founded a non-profit called Uncrushed.

Lindsey has her own personal Board of Directors that she uses to bounce things off of or get support from during specific crises. She says to enlist the help of your support system and that you should let them know you are adding them to your Board of Directors to help guide and support you no matter what challenges you face.

Lindsey says that an email subject line of “Referred by” has the highest open rates for any subject line. So she used that to her advantage and really built her platform on the back of referrals.

Video prospecting is on the rise. Lindsey says it can work and that you have to work to humanize the content and bring the prospect along on the journey. 

Her tests have revealed great results with a 4 email sequence using video prospecting:

#1 – manual – personalized and completely manual – 10/80/10 rule of email is used. Personalize 10% to intro yourself and 80% can be automated and the closing 10% is personalized to close them on having a call, etc. 

#2 – Automated

#3 – Automated

#4 – manual – personalized video email – use “Personalized Video for XX” as the subject line. You can change the banner on the image thumbnail that says “To XXX” to make it completely custom.

Click rates have gone up dramatically
Reply rates are being tabulated now

The pandemic has brought us all into the world of video without even thinking about it, so leverage that experience.

Lindsey’s Video Prospecting Tips:
For video prospecting – practice practice, practice!
Over time you will get used to it and not need as much prompting.
Sending a video is a good way to re-energize a lead that has ghosted you.
Grab attention within 10 seconds. Maybe a question.
Use captions with your video.
Post positive examples of your frameworks in use and getting results.

Lindsey’s Tips For LinkedIn Stories:
Humanize yourself
Ask questions
Engage our audience
Frequency pays off

LinkedIn: Uncrushed

LInkedin: Lindsey Boggs

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