Influence and Persuasion (Buyers Subconscious Shortcuts)

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Today, I wanted to nerd out with you about something that I never thought I would be so interested in! Our topic is persuasion and influence!

Did you know that 90% of what you do everyday is subconscious? That means only 10% of what your brain does everyday is done consciously!

That’s staggering when you think about it!

The reason this is important is not because of how it impacts you, but it’s because of how this relates to your prospects and customers.

If you ignore the 90% of the subconscious thoughts that impact how your prospects make buying decisions, then you are likely to be missing out on a ton of sales!

25% of your daily calories are burned by thinking! Who knew? So your brain is constantly looking for ways to conserve energy. That means you have to understand the brain hacks that your prospect’s brain is implementing in order to see more sales.

Brain hack #1 – request for reason

In a recent study, they looked at the responses given when someone cut in line in front of another person. They were looking for ways to make cutting in line in front of someone else socially acceptable.

So they tried different approaches to make this happen.

When someone asked if they could cut in line first, more than 60% of the people standing in line responded that it was fine. 

Then they did the same experiment but they also gave a reason why they needed to cut in line.

They had 2 approaches to the reason – one reason that made sense, and one reason that didn’t make sense. 

This leveraged the mental shortcut that our brains make. Guess what happened?

93% of the people said it’s ok to cut in line for a completely illogical reason

94% of the people said it’s ok to cut in line for a logical reason.

Why? Because people like to do favors for other people. 

Brain hack #2 – 

In 1971, Dennis Reagan did a study where he gave a 10 cent coke to half of the people in his experiment. 

He later went on to ask the entire group for a donation to a charitable cause.

Those that did not receive a coke gave a donation of 25 cents. That was a 25 cent gain on the transaction.

Those who did receive at 10 cent coke gave an average donation of 50 cents. That’s twice the amount from the previous group. 

This happens because of the reciprocity brain hack. If someone gives you something, reciprocity causes us to want to give back more to them.

If you give someone something of value, when it’s completely unexpected, the first thing they ask is “what can I do for you?”.

An example of this wwe see play out in our everyday lives is getting mints when a waiter brings you the bill in a restaurant. Likely there are mints or chocolates, stickers or other little gifts. 

Just by doing this simple little gesture, wait staff increase their tips by 17%.

Some wait staff will do this by offering you a to go drink or something else that is more customized and personalized to your tastes.

When they gave the customized gifts, they found that tips increased by over 30%.

You could use this technique in a situation where you want referrals, but giving an unexpected gift to a customer, they will be much more likely to want to do a favor for you!

You can leverage these tips to improve your close rates and get much further with your prospecting.

Need help scaling your revenue? Ryan can help! Apply to work with him at

Robert Cialdini’s book, Influence

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