How to Sell the 3 Levels Of SAAS (Scale, Growth and SAAS- business Marketing)

Today, we are going to get into how to sell the three levels of SAAS. This episode is the second follow-up episode to the Myron Golden mastermind I attended recently, which opened my eyes to many different things.

I noticed that many people tend to blend SAAS when there are three different SAAS levels based on the market. You will need different motions for executing those at a high level and selling them.
There is a lot of noise in the marketplace that is very conflicting. And that minimizes how complex sales can be. Today, I will discuss the three different levels of the SAAS models to give you some guidance and make it easier for you when you are building things up.

I will explain the markets to help you truly understand what you need to look for to avoid getting confused and making the kind of mistakes I repeatedly see people making if you are trying to grow and scale your income and revenue as a sales leader or sales rep or trying to scale your company.