How to Create a Remote Selling “Experience” | EJ Oelling

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Having successful virtual event has its own unique set of challenges:
The success of creating the experience you desire largely depends on the technology you use to create your event
We all have Zoom fatigue now, you have to think about giving people an entirely different experience than every other Zoom event they have been on.
How can you create a unique event that is completely different than anything that is normally available at virtual meetings. 
How can you create a unique experience in a virtual setting?

When it comes to the technical part of a virtual event, our guest EJ Oelling says that there are literally hundreds of platforms you could use, but it’s important to think about where all of your sales and marketing data is housed. 

You want to make sure that all of your tools align and interact with each other. After all, it does nothing to have great interactions with people, if you lose their data or can’t get it where you need it to go to follow up.

People don’t want to be talked at anymore, they want to be engaged with. We’re no longer in the age of the more the merrier when it comes to virtual events. Now, companies are doing much more targeted lead gen and it leads to higher value acquisitions.

It’s important for any company doing virtual events to plan on taking that recorded content and repurposing it across multiple platforms and channels so that you can continue to get leads from it long after the event is over. 

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