How Do Almost All Top Software Companies End Up Getting 20-50% Of Their New Customers From Their Existing Customers?

Are you ready for a Challenge?  Join me LIVE with other CEO’s, Founders and Revenue Leaders from August 2nd-6th at the Referrals for Revenue Challenge:

In looking at how many software companies are growing their base, I am finding that some of the more successful ones are really investing in referrals. Now, you know I love referrals as an easy way to grow revenue, so I thought it was worth diving into a bit more.

There are 3 ways to increase your WOM Metrics:

  1. Measure
  2. Mandate
  3. Magnify


A lot of companies don’t track what percentage of customers comes from word of mouth.

This is a key metric.

HubSpot is a ninja in marketing and content marketing and 33% of their revenue comes from word of mouth referrals.


It has to be a mandatory work flow to ask “Where did you hear about us?”. 

Ask at multiple points in the sales cycle – sales reps need to be asking and it needs to be built in the automation.


If you focus on it, it grows.

If you set a goal for the metric, it grows. just had an IPO and saw 50% of customers come from other customers.

If your percentage of WOM grows over time, that’s a good sign.

This is how I grew my business, starting from zero, with no marketing department or anything.

Accelerate It By:

  1. Getting your customer the outcome they need with the solution you provide.
  2. What is your mini-brand (niche)? Focus on that before you start expanding.
  3. Systemize the referral process.
  4. Don’t get distracted. Stay focused on where you have synergy.
  5. Share social wins.

I’m such a fan of referrals because:

Referrals are the cheapest traffic you can get.

They cut the sales cycle in half.

They are 120-150% more profitable. 

Saas, Saas growth, Scale, Business Growth, B2b Saas, Saas Sales, Enterprise Saas, Business growth strategy, founder, ceo: