Cracking the Event Marketing Code with Alex Reynolds Co-founder & CEO at Vendelux

In this episode, Ryan talks to Alex Reynolds, co-founder and CEO of Vendelux, an AI-powered event measurement platform. They delve into Alex’s unique go-to-market strategy of stationing team members in event hubs to network in-person. He shares how to 10x ROI for events through smart AI-driven targeting, strong pre-event outreach, and post-event follow up. Event marketers will learn highly actionable tactics to reduce costs and risks while increasing revenue.

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  • Station team members in event hub cities like Vegas to eliminate travel costs and efficiently network at the many events held there weekly (saves travel time and maximizes face time)
  • Target events using AI and data to map which ones have your ideal attendee profiles, factoring criteria like vertical, company size, titles, current customers etc. (optimizes chances of meeting qualified prospects)
  • Do extensive pre-event outreach starting 2-3 weeks out via personalized invites to satellite events, rooftop happy hours etc. to entice targeted executives (drives event ROI through quality conversations)
  • Schedule 1-on-1 meetings upfront by having the right team member meet prospects/customers already somehow connected to them (increases relevancy and conversion rates)
  • Create FOMO with satellite events by highlighting exclusivity and limited slots to motivate invitees to prioritize attending (generates event buzz)
  • Have designated team members fully focused on working the event and diligently follow up post-event while momentum and connections remain fresh (maximizes lead conversion)
  • Reduce costs by only allocating budget to events AI data scores as wins, and eliminating expenses on non-winning events (optimizes ROI)
  • Increase revenue by focusing on events attended by well-matched prospects expected to convert based on historical data (grows pipeline contribution)


“If you show up to the event and you’re amongst 10,000 or 100,000 people, it’s incredibly difficult to get attention from the people that you care about.”

“To me, three, two to three weeks is the sweet spot a month out. A lot of people are just not, they’re thinking about other things, they’ve got other things on their mind.”

“We have customers that are cutting their costs per lead by 50 per cent increasing, you know, the revenue from the channel by 100 150 per cent and then that’s leading to doubling and tripling their event budgets for for the next year.”

“Just sending the right people so that you can have those one-to-one touch points in person. I mean, kind of the traditional roadshow is dead.”

“If you get to the event and you haven’t done the pre-work, you’ve already lost.”

Ryan Staley

Founder and CEO

Whale Boss



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