Are You Interested or Committed to do_______in 2021?

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I would like to end things for the year by talking about whether you are interested or committed to certain things for 2021.

You have to do your annual planning. I recently took a whole day to stop and reassess what is happening in my life, what I am doing, who I am serving, and how I can bring more value to the world.

I realized that if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. 

Looking back at this year, I hit some of my goals, but I fell way short of others. 

Nobody could have predicted that we would have a massive, large-scale pandemic that would force all of us to work from home this year. What framed it up for me was when I started thinking about some things that I am guilty of that everyone can relate to, like gaining weight due to the lack of activity. 

An online study told me that on average, people gained between three and sixteen pounds just because of boredom and less movement. 

One of my neighbors lost thirty pounds this year! When I asked him how he managed to do that, he gave me a simple response that resonated with me. He said that he lost the weight because there was nothing else to do, and so it was a perfect opportunity to do that. 

All my neighbor did was to reframe the situation and take the opportunity to do something that he had been putting off for a long time. That simple reframe changed the way that he was moving forward and not backward.

There are three simple things that I am going to do right now to reframe how I will be moving forward for next year that will be applicable for you too: 

  1. Are you interested or committed? I have written that everywhere in my environment. If that does not resonate with you, you might have something else that you can write down as a constant reminder for you to make something happen. 
  2. I put three ninety-day goals on the inside of my journal. And I look at that almost every day.
  3. Every day, I keep on seeing the message Are you interested or committed? That encourages me to do something extra every day, and it is one of the things that have helped me push through. 

Although those three things are simple and basic, I thought they would be super helpful and useful for you because that constant reminder could be the difference between you breaking through or not.